Today, The Wall Street Journal ran a letter written by LRANY Executive Director, Thomas B. Stebbins, regarding America’s surplus of lawyers – and the corresponding surplus of lawsuits that is draining our economy. The problem is particularly acute here in New York where we spend more on lawsuits than almost anywhere else in the world. From [...]
By: Michael Seinberg Most people get the occasional wrong number call and are able to survive the experience. But not Michael Nasser Sr. of Virginia. It seems that White Pages incorrectly listed his number as belonging to Comcast Phone of Virginia, so very close to the spelling of Nasser. Well, you know what happened next [...]
By: Michael Seinberg Here’s a quick quiz (no cheating!): do you believe everything you see in advertisements? If you answered no, congratulations – you are blessed with basic common sense. Unfortunately, one buyer of Red Bull answered yes, and he’s hoping to cash in on what is easily the most ridiculous lawsuit of 2013 (so [...]
Governor Cuomo’s proposed executive budget addressed many critical issues facing the state – mandate relief, the need for improved infrastructure, and the critical need to rebuild in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. Unfortunately, absent from the proposed budget were legal reforms which could save the state and taxpayers hundreds of millions while stimulating private sector [...]
By: Michael Seinberg Just when you think you’ve seen selfishness set a record, someone manages to break it. In the case of Staten Island Lawyer Robert Prignoli, he has filed a $500 million suit against Con-Ed because after Super Storm Sandy left the Northeast in ruins, he was without power for some 17 days. It [...]
Governor Cuomo’s State of the State address highlighted the extraordinary strides New York has taken in the last year. However, if the state continues to ignore the detrimental effect of our antiquated legal system on our private and public sectors, New York will continue to struggle to add jobs, rebuild our infrastructure and improve our [...]
By: Michael Seinberg The Shake Shack, a well-known burger and hot dog chain in New York City, is being sued by a woman angry about their flimsy chairs. But she didn’t fall from one or break one sitting down. No, Cindy Cirlin is suing because she claims she was injured by a dog that was [...]