Lawyer Workshop Focuses on Profits

Today, hundreds of members of the New York State Personal Injury Lawyers Association (NYPILA) gather in Manhattan for the group’s annual meeting.  In a series of marathon sessions totaling over ten hours in length, members will learn tips and tricks from the most successful personal injury attorneys, including how to inflate damages using “pseudo-science,” how to fabricate asbestos exposure, and how to bilk taxpayers out of millions by suing local governments.

The timing of the meeting combined with the brazenly profit-oriented approach will likely worsen the group’s already abysmal public image, especially in the wake of damning emails revealing massive overbilling for services.  Not surprisingly, the American public has a low opinion of the profession as a whole. 

LRANY reached out to NYPILA president Michael Taffey for comment, who responded, “Look, of course it’s about the profits. I mean everybody already knows that so we figured, hey, we’ve got nothing to hide.”

Below is the flyer for the event. Click for full size.